Gender Dynamics in The Land of Minahasa: From Traditional Culture to Modern Context
Gender Dynamics, Minahasa Land Today, Traditional Culture, Modern ContextAbstract
There are many articles about gender in the land of Minahasa. Still, no one has specifically discussed gender dynamics in the land of Minahasa: From Traditional Culture to The Modern Context. The problem is the reality of community life now presents the fact that the egalitarian society of Minahasa has changed. The egalitarian roles and positions constructed in the land of Minahasa from the beginning no longer take place. This study aims to trace how gender dynamics in Minahasa land have evolved over time, focusing on the changing gender roles from traditional culture to the modern context. By combining social-cultural analysis with a gender approach as well as methodological work based on a qualitative methods approach, this study seeks to answer the question: how do social changes affect gender roles and status in present-day Minahasa land, as well as how present-day Minahasa society responds to the dynamics of such changes.
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