Optimization Of Marketing Strategy of Okoy Flower Garden Tomohon in Increasing Consumer Buying Interest
marketing Strategy, promotion, consumer buying interestAbstract
The purpose of this study is to find out the marketing strategy carried out by Okoy Flower Garden Tomohon and to find out how much influence the promotion strategy carried out by Okoy Flower Garden has in increasing consumer buying interest. The population and sample of the study were the owners, employees, and consumers of Okoy Flower Garden, as many as 15 employees and 40 consumers. The data analysis in this study uses a quantitative method, using observation data, interviews, and questionnaires. The population and sample of the study were the owners, employees, and consumers of Okoy Flower Garden, as many as 15 employees and 40 consumers—descriptive data analysis with frequency distribution. The validity test results from 40 consumers and 15 employees were valid. The reliable test results stated that the alpha value of the promotion variable was 0.789, and the consumer buying interest variable was 0.766, greater than 0.312. Based on the promotional strategy that has been carried out, it is concluded that Okoy Flower Garden Tomohon, in increasing consumer buying interest, has not implemented an optimal promotion strategy.
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