Menciptakan Budaya Misi Memperlengkapi Warga Gereja Demi Dunia
Creating, Culture, Mission, Equipping, ChurchAbstract
The theological commitment must be applied to the lives of all Christians so that faith can emerge in discipleship. There is a kind of creed that says that before the foundation of the world, for all eternity, God existed in perfect community as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. From the beginning, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have existed in the perfection of love. The purpose of this article is to examine and analyze the process and methods of discipleship as the task of the church. Discipleship means making other people disciples of the Lord Jesus by equipping them. The problem the church faces in carrying out mission responsibilities is a lack of understanding of mission culture. A good mentality is one indicator of a good student. God calls the Church to be his disciple and carry out his mission with full obedience and faithfulness. Writing and studying this subject, the author uses descriptive qualitative methods, with a literary approach. The writing stages taken are as follows: 1. Social Trinity. 2. The communal nature of the church and leadership. 3. Power and leadership. 4. Embrace emotional health. This article ends with a conclusion that confirms the achievement of the goal.
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